Carraro farm tractors

Carraro Agritalia is an Italian agricultural machinery manufacturer, part of the Carraro Group. The company was founded in 1957 by Giovanni Carraro in Treviso, Italy.

Carraro History

Giovanni Carraro had worked in the agricultural machinery sector since he was a young man. In those days, most farmers in Italy used horses to work their land. Giovanni saw an opportunity to mechanize farming by producing small tractors that could be used instead of horses. He started Carraro Agritalia with the goal of manufacturing high-quality, affordable tractors for Italian farmers.

Carraro Lineup

The first Carraro tractor was the Carraro 2800 which was introduced in 1957. This model was followed by the Carraro 3500 in 1960 and the Carraro 4000 in 1962. These early models were very successful and helped establish Carraro as a leading manufacturer of small tractors in Italy.

Carraro farm tractor models